April 18, 2011

Mystery Challenge Swap For April

The time has finally arrived!  The Mystery Challenge Swap for April on SCS is ready to post.  

While I have participated in many swaps on SCS, I had yet to host a swap.   It was my turn in the rotation for April.   I have had so much fun these past few weeks, with the best yet to come....the big reveal!

The image that I chose to send to everyone is from The Angel Company (TAC).   It is a new image to me, that was gifted through very generous blog candy from Audrey.   I thought the image of the girl from 'Oh No You Didn't' was so cute with her umbrella.   For an extra element to the challenge, I also sent along a piece of DP from Making Memories and a ticket embellishment from House of 3.  

For my personal card, I found some cute DP that I thought would go with the image well.  It was from DCWV Flower Shower.   It had these adorable clouds.   I cut out the rest of the scene from the paper.  The challenge items are located on the interior of the card.  

I had so much fun with this process.  I do hope that everyone else did as well.   I am looking forward to our next round that will be hosted by, Paola.   Until then......


MiamiKel said...

Super dooper sweet! Love how you added her to a sweet bed of flowers! Gorgeous :)

Barb said...

Great Card Tami and it was a fun image to play with for this challenge!

Carol W said...

Cute card Tami....I love this image and it was so much fun to play with...you sure did a great job with this card. It is fun and I love how you have done the inside with the ticket....great job.

dweatter said...

How cute. I love all the sparkly on this card. Love this image!

~Paola~ said...

Tami, you created a wonderful springy scene! So lovely and glittery! Wonderful!!:o)

Anonymous said...

Cute card!!! I just love this little one in this cute raincoat. I love the sparkles. This is neat ans elegant card. Thanks for this great post.outsource web design