May 7, 2011

Do You Think It Would Work?

So, do you think that a cupcake could make it better?   I was hoping so! 

Our friend recently had surgery and I thought this little card might help out.    The cupcake image is from Hero Arts.  The sentiment is from Create with TLC

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Create with TLC blog post


Barb said...

Cute card--I am sure your friend loved it!

MiamiKel said...

It's FABULOUS!!!!!! Looks good enough to eat! Yum, yum! x0x0

Carol W said...

It would sure help card Tami...the only thing that would be better would be a REAL cupcake and unless you are a magician I don't think that would work...AWESOME job....

dweatter said...

What a deliciously cute card. And yes, a cupcake would help..well, help me anyway. Love this card so bright and cheerful, yet simple and clean. Great job.

Melissa T said...

Super cute card. It would cheer any one up.
Of course.... now I want a cupcake...

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!!! I am sure this card will make everything better - after all, what cupcake wouldn't?

Anonymous said...

lovely card!!! I love the cup cake with sparkling.. Great color combinations. I just love this card. Thanks for this nice post.
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