April 28, 2011

Calendar Girls - April

Miss April - aka Terry - issued the Calendar Girls a water themed challenge this month.   We were to use some type of water on our card creation.

I had recently gone through my digital images just prior to the challenge being posted.   As soon as I heard the water theme, I remembered a funny little image from Hambo Stamps.  I just had to use it.

Now this part is one of those things that you kinda have to be there, but funny just the same.   There was a really dumb movie called Super Troopers.   Did I say it was a dumb movie?  Well, there was an infamous scene you might remember....the meow scene.   The premise is to throw the word meow in with what you are saying when talking to people and see if you can get away with it.   The person you are with is to count how many times you get away with it.  The other part is to try and do it when the person you are with is least expecting it, so they have to play along.  Stupid right?!  Try it!  It will make you laugh like no other.    Ssshhhh, it is a game that we play with our friends.  

So you know that this card is going to our friend {meow} with the 'how do you like me meow' saying on it. 

Please stop by and view the other Calendar Girl's creations.  Their blog links are listed to the right of this post under Calendar Girls. 

Hope you have a fun day!   Really, try it.  It will make you laugh!


Carol W said...

Your card is the "meow"...geegle, geegle...what a great image and colored up so beautifully...I absolutely LOVE it..I love the layout and color combos...you rocked this challenge my friend. (When you mentioned Super Trooper I thought of the song in Mama Mia)...I think your game would be fun to play meow...heehee...but I would probably be chuckling the whole time. Way to go Tami....awesome card...♥♥♥

Michele Kovack said...

So darn cute!!! All ready for summer!

April said...

What a super duper meow card. I love this meow image - what a great water meow theme. The embossing on the yellow is meow wonderful!!

MiamiKel said...

Hee hee! We like you (and your card!) very much! Catchy!! Wow, look at the water! So vibrant and bright - fab! I forgot I had this digi - what a great idea to use it! I wish that were me - float, not a care in the world, a cool drink (ice tea, please!) in my hand ..... aw, this is the life :)
FABBY design, girlie! Love it!! x0x0

Barb said...

Great Card--what a cute image and I love how you colored it. The swirled background is perfect too and the sentiment just makes me smile!

Michelle said...

The image makes me smile! Too cute! I love the layout and colors. Love the glittery swirls, it really gives it texture. Great job!

dweatter said...

MEOW!!!! Love this card. And I love, love, love, the story (meow) and sentiment. Great fold and I love the glitter!!!! This is one cool cat!

Terry Ladwig said...

Tami....I love the card, and you did fine with the challege....it didn't have to be rain at all, just water! I also have this digi in my stash and I think I need to use it ☺

Love the fold, the colors and your coloring of the image!! It's great!!!

~Paola~ said...

Oh mann! This card literally is the cat's meaw!!...soo adorable..the image is fun fun fun and colored to prrrrrr-fect-ionnn and the embossed swirly c/s is very showy in mustard and red colors....such an AWESOME card Tami!!:o)

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Tee Hee... I love that cat... in fact, I want to lounge on an innertube and rest all day! Love your card, every single detail of it! Awesome job!!!

Judy McMullen said...

Terrific "Meow" card, Tami! Love the story behind it!! Great use of color texture!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! I just love this cute "meow".. How nicely you've made this wonderful card.. I love the image coloring..Thanks for this nice post. web design outsource